Since its debut in 1998, Google has taken the world by storm conducting 90% of searches universally today. Due to Google’s large influence on consumer purchase behaviors, it is essential to create online visibility for your brand as a business owner. Once attention and awareness have been brought to your business, customers can be easily…
Growing an online presence today is just as important for local business owners as it is for national ones. In order to increase your online recognition, it is important to have an efficient SEO strategy because Google’s algorithm favors business profiles that are well optimized. The local Google service pack sits at the top of…
The sales funnel is a consumer-focused marketing model that illustrates the theoretical customer journey toward the purchase of a good or service. The goal of the sales funnel is to create returning customers so that the process can repeat itself for years to come. However the model for the customers journey has slightly changed over…
Find Prospects on Linked-ln (B2B Marketing) Business-to-business marketing (B2B) refers to marketing your products or services to other businesses, not direct to consumers. This marketing strategy allows businesses to lend their assistance to other businesses who can either resell their product or use their partnership for support. Wise business owners often use this practice to…
Find local content prospects are searching for When small companies look to expand their client base they often face challenges derived from their lack of proper marketing. Finding a cost-efficient solution for your company can be difficult, but luckily there are ample tools available to help increase your online visibility! For small business owners, Google…