Lead Goal Calculator

Lead Goal Calculator

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If you’re like most business owners, your top priority is growing your company. You want to know how many leads you need to generate to hit your revenue goal. This article will help you figure that out by answering the following questions: How many leads do you need to reach your goal To reach your…

How many leads should you get from your website?

How many leads should you get from your website?

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The goal of any website is to generate leads. A lead is a potential customer who has expressed interest in your product or service. The more qualified leads you get from your site, the better chance you have at converting them into paying customers. But how many leads should you be getting from your website?…

How Much Does Email Marketing Cost?

How Much Does Email Marketing Cost?

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Email marketing is an effective marketing resource to reach your prospects and customers on a consistent basis to create new leads and repeat business for your company. In this article, we will discuss the cost of email marketing, the platforms to use, and the typical return on investments (ROI). Email Marketing Cost Factors Size of…

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Ideas For Small Business

Artificial Intelligence Marketing Ideas For Small Business

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way companies do business and interact with their customers. AI is also streamlining tedious marketing tasks to help businesses and marketers create relevant content and connect with customers more effectively.  Artificial intelligence can help communicate with customers, segment customers into data sets, and even create content used for social…

The Fastest Marketing Return on Investment

The Fastest Marketing Return on Investment

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It’s easy to throw money at marketing and not see any results. Sometimes it’s best to just watch where your money is going and make sure that it has the best chance at success. There are many ways that you can measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, but here’s our favorite: Return on Investment…

5 Reports That Will Grow Your Business

5 Reports That Will Grow Your Business

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Growing a business can be hard at times. You may feel like you hit a ceiling. You also may not know what the actual issue is for the lack of growth. Using these 5 reports, you should be able to figure out where you need to focus your energy to start to see growth. These…

9 Tips to Convert More Leads into Customers

9 Tips to Convert More Leads into Customers

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Leads can come in from all over the place, calls, webforms, texts, emails, it can be hard to manage all the leads coming at you. More importantly, documenting and following up with every lead. This can make it very hard to convert all those leads into jobs. You may call a lead, but they don’t…

How to get rid of a one star review?

How to get rid of a one star review?

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It’s inevitable: every business will get a negative review. How you respond to these reviews can make or break your reputation—and Google reviews are one of the most important tools for potential customers to gauge whether you’re worth their time and money. So it’s crucial for small business owners to know how best to deal…

How long does it take to see a return on marketing?

How long does it take to see a return on marketing?

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Any good business will ask this question when “spending money to make money”, but the answer is not so simple. It depends on your marketing strategy and the type of investment you’re looking at. There are three things to consider when trying to calculate your marketing ROI (return on investment): What is a good marketing…

How to calculate your marketing budget

How to calculate your marketing budget

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How to calculate your marketing budget & where to spend for the best return When it comes to marketing, the right amount of money can make all the difference. This is especially true if you’re new to marketing or haven’t put much thought into how much you should be spending on your advertising efforts. The…