How to use vouchers to drum up business

How to use vouchers to drum up business

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Vouchers are a great way to drum up new business. They can help you reach new customers, give them an incentive to try your service or product, and also reengage old customers who may have taken their business elsewhere. A voucher allows you to offer something for free or at a reduced price and will…

What to do when business is slow?

What to do when business is slow?

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We have all been there, your business is running great. You have lots of customers and are booking jobs left and right. Then, suddenly, things slow down. You start to wonder if this is just temporary or if something is wrong with your business model. Whatever the reason for the slow down, here are some…

How to create a marketing strategy for a small business

How to create a marketing strategy for a small business

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Marketing your business can seem like a daunting task. There are so many things to consider and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all of the different strategies available. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to create a marketing strategy and a simple strategy you can implement over the next 30…

How many leads should you get from your website?

How many leads should you get from your website?

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The goal of any website is to generate leads. A lead is a potential customer who has expressed interest in your product or service. The more qualified leads you get from your site, the better chance you have at converting them into paying customers. But how many leads should you be getting from your website?…

The Fastest Marketing Return on Investment

The Fastest Marketing Return on Investment

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It’s easy to throw money at marketing and not see any results. Sometimes it’s best to just watch where your money is going and make sure that it has the best chance at success. There are many ways that you can measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy, but here’s our favorite: Return on Investment…

9 Tips to Convert More Leads into Customers

9 Tips to Convert More Leads into Customers

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Leads can come in from all over the place, calls, webforms, texts, emails, it can be hard to manage all the leads coming at you. More importantly, documenting and following up with every lead. This can make it very hard to convert all those leads into jobs. You may call a lead, but they don’t…

How long does it take to see a return on marketing?

How long does it take to see a return on marketing?

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Any good business will ask this question when “spending money to make money”, but the answer is not so simple. It depends on your marketing strategy and the type of investment you’re looking at. There are three things to consider when trying to calculate your marketing ROI (return on investment): What is a good marketing…

Email Marketing vs. Text Marketing – Which is Better?

Email Marketing vs. Text Marketing – Which is Better?

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For years, email marketing has been the go-to method for communicating with customers. But now, new technology is taking over: text message marketing (sms marketing). Although both methods offer their own unique benefits, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed decision about which one best fits…

Local Deli Chain Marketing Case Study

Local Deli Chain Marketing Case Study

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The restaurant industry relies on customer reviews more than any other type of business. Nearly 90% of all customers admit to researching a restaurant before dining there, which is why a strong online presence is of great significance. A marketing agency for restaurants will be able to focus on the most effective ways to attract…

What is text message marketing?

What is text message marketing?

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Text message marketing is a digital marketing strategy that helps build brand awareness on a more personal level. This ongoing process of communication allows businesses to relay news, promotions, and other relevant information to their customers via SMS. As this marketing strategy continues to modernize the business world, some companies are tentative to implement this…