How to Double Your Returning Customer Rate

How to Double Your Returning Customer Rate

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Double Your Returning Customer Rate For a business to see a continual growth in profits, it is vital to establish a reliant customer base for their brand. Returning customer rate is a common figure used by businesses to differentiate the percentage of returning customers from new customers. Two easy ways for companies to double their…

3 Text Message Templates For Restoration Contractors

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Text messaging is statistically proven to be one of the most effective ways of communication among individuals. With a remarkable open rate of 98%, text messaging can be relied upon by businesses as a primary method of transmission. In industries where multiple parties are involved, such as restoration contracting, efficient communication is essential in order…

3 Text Messages Every Mover Should Be Sending

3 Text Messages Every Mover Should Be Sending

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Moving companies often advertise to complementary businesses such as residential property management, real estate, pest control, and restoration companies. Automated messaging software, like PhlashLite, can segment contacts within a company’s database so that businesses in relevant industries can be grouped together. This procedure creates efficiency for movers when composing their mailing lists.  But what message…

How To Text Customers Review Links

How To Text Customers Review Links

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Reviews play a pivotal part in decision-making among consumers. If a company has few or no reviews, it diminishes their credibility and opportunity to attract more potential customers. Many businesses today fail to come up with a resolution when faced with the predicament of obtaining customer reviews. However, the explanation is through the persistent distribution…

How to get more google reviews?

How to get more google reviews?

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How to get more Google reviews? At the outset, it might not seem like a big deal. But even a single review can work wonders for your Google business listing. Why? Because Google continues to stand out as one of the leading search engines across the globe. Having said that, you might be wondering why…