Is Service Titan the Ultimate Solution for Your Business? A Consultant’s Honest Review

As a marketing consulting company, we work with businesses to help them implement a professional marketing system in their business to increase sales and keep their schedules full. One of the core components of our success is utilizing our client’s CRM to track reporting and make data-driven marketing decisions.

Our service titan experience

We work with local services businesses and we have clients in all different types of industries that use service titan, from HVAC contractors to rug cleaning companies. We also have helped implement service titan for a number of different companies over the past 4 years. 

What is ServiceTitan?

ServiceTitan is a software that helps companies manage their field service operations. It allows businesses to streamline their workflows, automate processes, and improve communication with their customers. In this review, we will explore the pros and cons of ServiceTitan and how it compares to other similar software in the market.

Based on our experience here are the industries Service Titan serves. We have clients in both buckets, and the workaround companies still love service titan, but they typically get “there is a workaround for that workflow” answer as opposed to their core industries.

Perfect Industries 

  • HVAC
  • Plumbing 
  • Electrical

Workaround industries

  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Rug Cleaning
  • Painting
  • Garage Door
  • Restoration
  • Marina Services

Pros of ServiceTitan

Streamlines workflows: ServiceTitan allows businesses to automate their workflows, reducing the need for manual processes. This saves time and increases efficiency. Compared to other CRMs we work with, ServiceTitan has a more robust and seamless workflow structure that is easily customizable. 

One example of this is the ability to create good, better, best options for each proposal at a click of a button and present it on the spot to customers as you are standing in front of them.

Improves communication: The software provides a platform for businesses to communicate with their customers through text, email, or phone. This improves communication and helps build better relationships with customers.

The best technology communication out there in our opinion is the “uber like” tech tracker which allows customers to track their driver out in the field as they are on the way to their home or property. This allows customers to easily prepare for their technician’s arrival.

Provides insights: ServiceTitan provides analytics and reporting features that allow businesses to gain insights into their operations. This helps them make informed decisions and improve their overall performance.

You can basically custom-create reports for anything, including new customers, campaign summaries, and any other job or open estimate reports.

Customizable: The software is customizable, allowing businesses to tailor it to their specific needs. This ensures that the software works seamlessly with their operations and provides maximum benefits.

It is very customizable to most workflows, however you may need to work with your dedicated success manager to tweak your workflows as new feature come out.

Cons of ServiceTitan

Steep learning curve: ServiceTitan can be difficult to learn, especially for businesses that are new to field service operations software. However, the company provides extensive training and support to help businesses get started.

ServiceTitan is like getting a new laptop and never seeing a computer before, sometimes it is so robust that it is overwhelming. They have training courses and certifications you can take, however, a certification could take 6 months+ for one person to complete. 

Expensive: ServiceTitan can be expensive, especially for small businesses. However, the software’s benefits can outweigh the cost for businesses that rely heavily on field service operations.

How much does service titan cost?

We have seen a price of $200-$300 per technician (tablet user) as the average ServiceTitan price that is out there. If you have 10 technicians, you can see how this can add up quickly. 

Comparison with other software

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive software that provides businesses with a range of features to manage their field service operations. It is comparable to other software such as Jobber and Service Fusion. However, ServiceTitan’s customizable features and extensive reporting capabilities make it stand out from the competition. For a company that is looking to scale their business to $5 million+ ServiceTitan is by far the best CRM out there.

Can ServiceTitan increase the value of your company?

One hidden benefit of using ServiceTitan is that a lot of PE firms and large companies are buying up smaller service businesses and rolling them up. The majority of these large companies use Service Titan and find it to be very appealing when a customer already uses this platform and can easily be rolled into their operation.

In conclusion, ServiceTitan is a powerful software that can benefit businesses by streamlining workflows, improving communication, and providing insights into their operations. While it may have a steep learning curve and be expensive for some businesses, its benefits can outweigh the costs. Overall, ServiceTitan is a top contender in the field service operations software market and can help businesses achieve their goals.

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