How to get rid of a one star review?

It’s inevitable: every business will get a negative review. How you respond to these reviews can make or break your reputation—and Google reviews are one of the most important tools for potential customers to gauge whether you’re worth their time and money. So it’s crucial for small business owners to know how best to deal with negative feedback on Google in order to minimize damage, save face, and turn around a bad review fast.

You can flag a review for removal if it violates Google guidelines

You can flag a review for removal if it violates Google guidelines. To do this, go to the reviews section of your business page, find the review, and click the flag icon in the top right corner of the review (the one with three circles).

If you’re not sure if your review violates Google’s guidelines, make sure you’ve reviewed their policy first.

Google has a set of guidelines for reviews that they enforce:

  • Reviews must be unbiased and objective. You can’t leave a positive review just because someone gave you money or did something else in return. You also shouldn’t write negative reviews on competitors’ pages just because they’re competitors! These kinds of actions are considered “forbidden” by Google and may result in removal of your content or suspension from our services (or both).

Once you flag the review, or if you are not able to, what do you do next?

It’s best to contact the reviewer directly and privately

  • If you can contact the reviewer, it’s best to do so privately. This is because if you respond publicly and argue with them, then other people will see that as a negative review for your business.
  • If you do respond publicly, make sure that it’s something positive and helpful such as offering to help resolve any issues they had with their experience at your establishment or providing more information about how something happened than what was in their review (this can be done by linking to a previous conversation).
  • You should also flag reviews that violate Google guidelines for removal from search results (e.g., personal attacks on employees or customers). This isn’t required but is a good idea if there are multiple bad reviews for your business because it will help improve the overall rating of your company when people see legitimate ratings first instead of ones that have been removed by Google due to violating its guidelines or rules.”

When you respond publicly, don’t argue with the reviewer

  • Don’t argue with the reviewer. This will only make them angrier, and it’s not going to do you any good.
  • Don’t explain why you were justified in your actions. It doesn’t matter how much money they owe you; if they posted a 1-star review about your business, the best thing to do is just apologize for whatever went wrong and ask them to change their review.

1 star google review response examples

  • ​ Thank you for your feedback. A team member will contact you directly to resolve this concern.
  • ​ Thank you for taking the time to leave this review! We’re sorry to hear that our service was not up to par, but we are glad that we were able to fix it before it became an issue for anyone else! Our team is working hard every day with the goal of improving our services so that every customer can enjoy them fully; we hope that this does not deter you from using us again in the future!
  • ​ We appreciate your detailed review. We just left you a voicemail to resolve this issue and will follow up within 24 hours if we do not hear from you. Please call our office at_______ and ask for the manager Phil.

The best way to deal with negative reviews is to solve problems quickly

The best way to deal with negative reviews is to solve problems quickly. Responding to reviews is a great way to build trust and give customers the impression that you care about their experience. It’s also an opportunity for you to show off your brand values, like responsiveness, honesty, and dedication.

If you’re able contact the reviewer directly—for example, if they have a phone number in their profile—it’s even better than responding publicly on Google because it shows that you’re taking action personally. You can ask them questions about their experience in order to figure out what went wrong and how you can fix it next time around so they’ll be satisfied with your service again in the future!

If not possible though, posting publicly is still worth doing because even though it might not seem like it at first glance (especially if there were only one or two stars), most customers are reasonable people who don’t want any bad blood between themselves nor any businesses involved here either! You might just need some clarification on what went wrong so feel free talk things out first rather than getting defensive right away as this will help both sides reach common ground eventually 🙂

Why exactly are google reviews important?

Google reviews are important for your business because they help you get customers and show up in the search results. If you don’t have any reviews, it’s likely that people will be less likely to choose your business over others with good reviews. They also help Google understand how relevant your website is for certain search terms, which means better rankings over time. So if you have no reviews or bad ones, then you could be missing out on a lot of potential customers!

The main reason why businesses care about Google Reviews is that they want people to visit their websites and get more business from them. It helps when customers can read what other people think about the company before deciding whether or not they want to use their services themselves–and this usually happens through reading online reviews somewhere like Yelp or TripAdvisor (or now even on Amazon).

In conclusion, use bad reviews as an opportunity to show your great customer service.

#get more google reviews, #google reviews