How to Fill Your Schedule When It’s Light: Strategies for Service Businesses

How to Fill Your Schedule When It’s Light: Strategies for Service Businesses

If you find yourself with a light schedule and are looking for ways to fill it quickly—possibly even by tomorrow—this guide is for you. Drawing from my experience as the Director of Business Development at a $5 million duct cleaning company, where we ran 17 routes daily, I’ve developed several strategies that can help keep your business busy, even on short notice.

1. Leverage Your CRM: Contact Past Customers

The first step is to dive into your CRM or QuickBooks and pull up a list of all the customers you serviced around this time last year. If they needed your service last August, chances are they’ll need it again this year—especially if your service is something that’s required annually or bi-annually, like HVAC maintenance or dryer vent cleaning.

For example, even though duct cleaning might only be needed every three to five years, you could cross-sell related services like dryer vent cleaning, which is often required more frequently. A simple call, text, or email reminding them that you’re available and in their area later this week can go a long way in filling your schedule.

2. Revisit Unconverted Leads from the Past Month

Many businesses don’t have a lead problem; they have a lead management problem. Review your leads from the past month or even the past 60 to 90 days. These are people who reached out to you because they had a need, even if you didn’t convert them initially.

Recontact these leads with a special offer or just a simple check-in to see if they still need your services. Often, people just need a little reminder, and you’ll find that some will be ready to book immediately.

3. Utilize Referral Partners

If you have B2B partners—like HVAC contractors, plumbers, or property managers—ask them to reach out to their customer list with a special offer from you. In return, you can offer them a referral fee for every job they send your way.

This strategy leverages other people’s customer databases, bringing in new customers for you while making it profitable for your partners as well.

4. Re-engage Customers Who Haven’t Used Your Service in Two Years

If you’ve been in business for a while, you likely have customers who haven’t used your services in a couple of years. Use your CRM to filter these customers out and reach out to them. A simple message like, “It’s been a couple of years since we serviced you, and we’re going to be in your neighborhood next week,” can help reignite interest and bring them back into your funnel.

5. Prepare Email and Text Campaigns in Advance

Having pre-prepared emails and text campaigns can be a lifesaver when your schedule is light. For example, if your business is weather-dependent, you should have campaigns ready to go when certain conditions hit. This way, when a gap in your schedule opens up, you can quickly send out a blast to your customer list, offering a timely promotion or reminder.

6. Optimize Your Website with Calls to Action (CTAs)

If you get a decent amount of traffic to your website, adding a strong CTA can help convert more visitors into leads. For example, a popup offering 10% off for bookings made this month can encourage potential customers to act quickly.

Additionally, ensure your customer service representatives (CSRs) are empowered to offer discounts on the spot if someone is hesitant to book. This tactic can be the difference between a lost lead and a booked appointment.

7. Focus on Increasing Website Traffic (Long-Term Strategy)

While not an immediate fix, increasing your website traffic through SEO, reviews, and running ads is essential for maintaining a steady flow of leads. This approach takes time, but it’s crucial for long-term growth.

Fill Your Schedules With Digital Marketing Consulting For Home Service Businesses

These strategies are designed to help you fill your schedule quickly, even if you’re facing a slow period. As a marketing company, we’ve built our business around helping service companies implement these tactics effectively. If you’re interested in setting up a marketing plan or just need some advice, we’re here to help.