Does Posting on Facebook Actually Help Your Business Grow?

“We don’t get customers from Facebook” We hear this all the time. You may be correct, but does posting on Facebook actually help grow your local service business and generate leads? In this article, we will discuss how posting on Facebook generates more leads, and how you can take what you are posting and 5x your output! 

The short answer is: Yes, Posting on Facebook Matters – No, It’s Not Going to 10X your Business

The Importance of Online Presence for Local Businesses

Before delving into the significance of Facebook, it’s essential to understand why an online presence is vital for local businesses. In today’s highly competitive landscape, consumers often turn to search engines and social media platforms to discover products and services. Having a strong online presence increases the chances of being found by potential customers and sets a foundation for brand credibility.

For example, it is common for someone to go into their local neighborhood Facebook group and ask for a local carpet cleaning company people recommend. People will respond and link to your Facebook page.

Understanding the Role of Facebook

Facebook is not merely a social networking platform but also a powerful tool for local groups to communicate and build trust. With its extensive user base of 35-70 year olds, Facebook provides an opportunity to connect directly with many local service businesses’ target customer base. 

The Power of Facebook Groups

One of Facebook’s standout features is the ability to create and join groups centered around specific interests or local communities. For local businesses, participating in relevant Facebook groups can significantly enhance their visibility and reach. By sharing valuable insights, contributing to discussions, and offering helpful advice, businesses can position themselves as industry experts and attract potential customers.

Even if you don’t participate in these groups, your followers are in these groups and they are eager to be raving fans about your business by sharing your content or linking to your Facebook page.

You can post neighborhood specials, case studies, or special projects uniquely positioned for specific communities.

Retargeting Past Customers on Facebook

Retaining customers is as important as acquiring new ones. Facebook offers an opportunity to stay in front of past customers daily or weekly. By inviting people to like your page on Facebook they can now be shown the content you share. This helps you stay top of mind. 

Even if the same 10 people like your post, the point here is that Facebook can show your posts to anyone who likes you and you may get 100 impressions on those 10 likes, which means they showed it to 100 people that know, like, and trust you.

The Value of Indexing Content on Google

While Facebook plays a vital role in establishing an online presence, it’s essential to acknowledge the value of Google’s search engine indexing. When businesses post content on their websites or blogs, Google’s indexing system ensures that it becomes discoverable to users searching for relevant information. Therefore, it is crucial for local businesses to prioritize posting on their own websites or utilizing platforms like Google Business Profile to ensure their content is indexed and visible on search engine result pages.

Take your Facebook posts and share them on your Google Business Profile, Instagram, Linkedin, and Yelp. If you are already creating the content, share it everywhere for maximum exposure on all your digital platforms.

The Rising Popularity of Reels and Shorts

In recent times, short-form video content has gained immense popularity on various social media platforms. Facebook, too, has introduced its own version of short videos called “Reels.” These bite-sized videos offer businesses an opportunity to showcase their products, services, or behind-the-scenes moments in a visually engaging manner. By leveraging Reels and other short-form content, local businesses can captivate their audience and increase brand awareness.

Avoiding Stock Images: A Waste of Potential

Visual content plays a significant role in attracting and retaining audience attention. When it comes to posting on Facebook, using original and authentic visuals is crucial. While stock images might seem convenient, they often lack uniqueness and fail to create a genuine connection with the audience. Investing in high-quality, custom visuals can greatly enhance the impact of Facebook posts and strengthen a local business’s brand identity.

Yes, Posting on Facebook Matters – No, It’s Not Going to 10X your business

In conclusion, posting on Facebook does matter for local businesses. It serves as a valuable platform to establish and maintain an online presence, engage with customers, and leverage targeted advertising. While Google remains essential for indexing content and driving organic traffic, Facebook offers a social and interactive space where businesses can connect with their audience on a more personal level. By utilizing Facebook effectively, local businesses can expand their reach, foster customer relationships, and ultimately drive growth.

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