Email Marketing vs Social Media Ads

In today’s digital world, businesses are bombarded with a lot of marketing and advertising options. Two of the most popular marketing strategies are social media ads and email marketing campaigns, which is better? In this article, we will discuss pros and cons of both and help reach the goal outcome for your marketing efforts.

What is the goal of each marketing option?

Social Media Ads – New Leads

Most social media ad campaigns are created to attract new business who have never used your services before. You can also run retargeting social ads to past customers, but we have found most companies use social media ads for new business.

The other key point we found with social media ads is that they are “top of the funnel” leads, which means they are not in buying mode right now, like searching for a service on google for example. This means that social media leads can need more nurturing to work them through the buying funnel as opposed to other leads.

Email Marketing – Repeat Business

You can’t email someone without their email, so typically this marketing channel is used to “retarget” past customers and prospects and ask them to buy again, refer business, or try a new service.

This is a good way to get repeat business and referrals, but not a method for brand new leads.

Social Media Ads can be top-of-the-funnel leads

Social media ads are a great way to generate leads for your business. They’re also an effective option for startups and small businesses who have limited marketing budgets.

For many companies, social media is their first stop when it comes to digital advertising. Social ads can be used to test different audiences and determine what works best for each platform, which helps you determine the correct amount of budget allocation based on performance results. They also allow users to get in front of potential customers who may not have otherwise found them through organic search or other avenues (like email).

Social Media Ads are typically used for New Business

Social media ads are typically used for new business, but they can also be used to boost customer loyalty and retention. If you have an existing customer base, social media ads can be a great way to drive more sales by increasing engagement with your brand.

Social media ads are also good for top-of-funnel activities like generating leads or gathering email addresses from potential customers who want more information about your products or services.

Social Media Ads typically bring in $10-20 leads that you have to nurture

Yes, you can generate “cheap” leads, but you have to work all the leads that are coming in. As a top-of-the-funnel lead, there is a lot more salesmanship needed to get to a sale.

Email marketing is typically used for repeat business

Email marketing is typically used for repeat business. If you’re a local business, you may use email newsletters to promote new products and services, special offers, and general updates on your brand. Email also allows you to nurture relationships with customers who have already purchased from you in the past by reminding them of their previous purchases and offering discounts or information related to those items.

Email marketing is more cost-effective

The cost of email marketing is much lower than that of social media ads. The price-per-click (PPC) model can be expensive, and your ad might not even get clicks at all, especially if you’re targeting a broad audience. Plus, there are many other factors to consider when it comes to the success of your ads: the quality of your website and landing page; how attractive your design is; whether or not people are interested in what you’re offering and why they should buy it from you instead of another company.

Email marketing allows you to reach a more targeted audience with better results because it’s personalized and targeted toward each individual who receives an email from you—you know exactly who’s reading what message at any given time, so there’s no waste on irrelevant emails or poorly thought out campaigns that don’t resonate well with viewers’ interests. Additionally, email gives marketers the ability to track their efforts through open rate (OR), clickthrough rate (CTR),  and unsubscribe rate (UR).

What do we recommend?

Email marketing is usually a more cost-effective method for generating leads, but it requires time and effort. Social media ads are more expensive but can generate higher ROI if you use them correctly. If you are contemplating running marketing campaigns, set up a free 30-minute strategy session to discuss your business and marketing plans.

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