5 Reports That Will Grow Your Business

Growing a business can be hard at times. You may feel like you hit a ceiling. You also may not know what the actual issue is for the lack of growth. Using these 5 reports, you should be able to figure out where you need to focus your energy to start to see growth. These reports will also help provide clarity for each role in your business.

1. Jobs Booked report

Tracking how many jobs you book is crucial to growing your business. It’s straightforward, if you book more jobs, you will make more money.

  • Jobs booked daily
  • Jobs booked weekly
  • Jobs booked monthly

If you have a lot of jobs booked in a single day and want to see if there’s anything that might have caused it (like an increase in advertising), then this is a great way to check!

We recommend taking year-over-year booking numbers and increasing the goal to match your growth goal. For example, if you want to grow your business by 10% year over year, you need to book 10% more jobs than last year.

2. Lead Conversion report

This report shows you the number of leads that converted into a booked appointment.

For example, if you have 12 leads in your database and 2 of them converted to jobs, then your conversion rate is 16%.

Here are the conversion numbers we see from our partners:

  • Calls: 60-70%
  • Webforms: 40-50%
  • Google Ad Warm Leads: 30-40%
  • Cold Leads from Facebook: 10-20%

You should create this report weekly so that you can see how many leads are converting into jobs on a consistent basis over time.

This will show you if you need to increase the number of leads you are getting, or if you need to train your salespeople to close better. Check out 9 tips to convert more leads into customers here.

3. Campaign Summary report

The Campaign Summary report allows you to see how many leads and sales originated from each campaign. This is especially useful if you want to know where your best-performing leads are coming from, or if you need insight into which channels are providing the most value for your business.

The campaign summary report includes:

  • The total number of leads generated by each campaign (whether it was a direct sale or an inquiry)
  • The total amount of revenue generated by these sales/inquiries

For marketing campaigns, a 5x-10x return is a good return on investment. So if you spend $1,000 and generate $5,000, this means you spent 20% of this sale on marketing. This does not take into consideration the lifetime value of a customer either.

4. Daily Cash Deposit report

The Daily Cash Deposit report is a great report to look at when you want to see how much money you are making on a daily basis. You should know your breakeven number for the month and then you can work backwards to your daily deposit goal. For example if you want to make $30,000 in revenue, you need to make $1,000 per day in cash deposits.

If you have trouble getting paid by clients on time, this report will help guide you on what actions to take next:

  • If there are any red flags in client payment patterns (i.e., late payments), contact them right away (don’t wait until it’s too late). You can generate leads and jobs, but if you don’t collect, you won’t be in business long.
  • A negative cash flow means that more money is going out than coming in; however, keep an eye on daily deposits so that no large outstanding balances build up over time.

5. Jobs Cancelled report

We can book jobs, but they all cancel. A good cancel rate is less than 2% of jobs should cancel. If you consistently see higher cancellation rates, here are some ideas to help:

  • Send text reminders
  • Send email reminders
  • Call the day before to remind
  • Qualify the lead better on the phone
  • Take a deposit

Use these five reports to grow your business

Typically, these reports would be given out to team members to be responsible for managing and held accountable for performance. As marketing consultants, we come across issues with these reports all the time, and we work with businesses to address these issues so they can reach their full potential.

These reports will give you a better idea of how your business is performing, but they won’t be able to tell you everything. The best way for you to understand how your business is doing is by looking at your numbers every day and comparing them against previous days or months. If something doesn’t look right, don’t be afraid to ask questions.